New Tithe maps and more...

New Tithe maps and more...

This months latest releases...

News, Discover Your Ancestors


Discover Your Ancestors

Explore thousands more tithe maps at Map Explorer

TheGenealogist has doubled the number of tithe maps available on its unique Map Explorer service. This tool, which can help researchers find an ancestor’s land and view how the landscape changed over time, has been augmented by the addition of georeferenced tithe maps for Cheshire, Dorset, Hertfordshire, Kent, Lancashire, Lincolnshire, Norfolk, Staffordshire and Yorkshire West Riding. The total number of maps in this release is 3,655, with 6,972 tithe maps in total available here. Map Explorer has over four million viewable records indicated by map pins which can be displayed on a variety of maps from historical periods up to the modern day.

TheGenealogist’s Master Search can be used to look for ancestors’ plots across the tithe records and then view them on Map Explorer. The apportionment books enable researchers to discover ancestors who owned or occupied property between 1837 and the 1850s, with some additional altered apportionments in later years when property was sold or divided. The records allow TheGenealogist’s Diamond subscribers to find details of the plots, the owners of the land, and the occupiers at the time of the survey while identifying the actual plots on the maps. Tithes usefully record all levels of society from large estate owners to occupiers of small plots such as a homestead or a cottage.

Find out more at .

Another online show success

The second online Family History Show of the year took place on Saturday 26 September and once again was attended by hundreds of eager family historians, proving that even in these complicated times, it is still possible to find ways to get together and share knowledge and ideas. The show’s panel of experts gave a series of very popular talks on their areas of expertise, followed by a very busy live Q&A session where ‘visitors’ could ask questions about their family history brick walls and research challenges. Our thanks to everyone involved, including the huge number of exhibitors who gave their time to be available to attendees. We hope to back ‘in the flesh’ next summer but in the meantime do save the date for the next online show in February – details at .

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