The Queens Empire 1897 Map

International Records

TheGenealogist offers many thousands of records from various countries around the world if you have ancestors that lived, worked or were born overseas. The number of records continues to expand as more content is regularly added to the International Collection.

The International Records also cover the Naturalisation records of people born overseas who applied and were granted citizenship to Britain. There are over 400,000 names in the Naturalisation records to view on TheGenealogist.

TheGenealogist has overseas records covering electoral rolls, directories, telephone directories, civil service lists, early passenger lists to America, military records, almanachs and more.

Almanachs are annual publications containing data and statistics for the area. Many of these also include residential and business listings, similar to those found in directories.

As many of our ancestors were sentenced and transported to the colonies for even the most minor of crimes, the Transportation Records in our international record collection offer a valuable research tool if your ancestors fell foul of the law and were transported to the colonies! The Convict Transportation Registers cover the years from 1787 to 1867. There is also an early census set of records available to view covering the early settlers in Australia.

Countries covered in the International Records on TheGenealogist include

Australia, New Zealand, United States, India, South Africa

The collection also covers our Scottish Records, The Channel Islands and an extensive range of family history records for researchers with ancestors in Ireland.

The Proclamation of South Australia 1836, Charles Hill.
The Proclamation of South Australia 1836, Charles Hill.

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