Discover Your Ancestors
Issue 031
Welcome once more to Discover Your Ancestors Periodical, packed as usual with fascinating social history and useful family history research advice.
Family history is of course all about personal stories – not just the dry names and dates, but the interesting details of people’s lives, their occupations, and their relationships. In this issue we see examples of all of these aspects, from Daniel Hewitt’s clockmaking forebears and Anthony Boulton’s memoir of his grandfather in WW1, to the sentimental nuances of relationships often encoded in the jewellery our forebears gave to one another.
We’d love to hear your family stories, too – do drop me a line via [email protected] if you have a case study to share or an interesting family story. We’re now starting to plan a series of books and next year’s print magazine, too, so watch this space for more details soon!
In the meantime, I hope you enjoy this issue and the variety of subjects covered inside.
Andrew Chapman, Editor.